Benefits of Filtering Moonshine Through Charcoal

The thought of filtering moonshine through charcoal before drinking it probably doesn’t sound to appetizing to most people. After all, the dirty powder-like substance on charcoal is certain to leave some unwanted flavors lingering behind, right? And not to mention the fact that some of the chemicals in the charcoal will pass down to the moonshine. Well, the truth is that both of the statements are wrong. Filtering moonshine through activated carbon charcoal is actually a highly effective way to remove toxins without affecting its flavor, aroma and body. To learn more about the benefits of filtering moonshine through charcoal, keep reading.


Old moonshine still: photo by belarusian.

 Won’t The Charcoal Filter Alcohol Out of My Moonshine?

Nope, activated carbon charcoal filters will not affect the alcohol content of your moonshine. If you’re looking to create a strong batch of shine, you can rest assured knowing that it’s not going to lose its potency through filtration. The alcohol content will remain stable throughout the process, regardless as to the type of moonshine or batch size.

Removes Organic Compounds

One notable benefit of filtering moonshine through charcoal is its ability to remove unwanted organic compounds. Although you can’t see with the naked eye, some batches of moonshine may contain bacteria or even mold. This is typically caused by using dirty equipment. While you should always clean your still on a regular basis, filtering moonshine through charcoal is a precautionary measure to help prevent unwanted colonies of bacteria or mold.

Consuming small amounts of bacteria or mold may have little-to-no effect on your health; however, constantly drinking them can lead to serious illness or even death. This is why it’s important for moonshiners to take a proactive approach towards filtering unwanted organic compounds from their shine.

Removes Unwanted Chemicals

Of course, carbon charcoal filters will also remove unwanted chemicals, such as chlorine, from your moonshine. The secret to its effectiveness lies in its highly absorbent properties. When chemical-ridden fluid passes through carbon charcoal, certain compounds attach themselves to its open pores; thus, filtering the liquid.

The same principle holds true for moonshine. Running moonshine through a charcoal filter is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted chemicals. It’s no substitute for using clean still equipment, but it will act as another barrier of defense against unwanted chemicals and organic compounds.

What do you think about charcoal filters? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below!

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