Meet The Beer Fridge That Opens When You Sing ‘O Canada’


Remember the Molsen Canada refrigerator that was sent to the Olympic Canadian athletes’ building during the Sochi Winter Olympics? We talked about this in a previous blog post, but the vending machine basically required athletes to scan their passport. Once the machine verified the athlete’s Canadian citizenship, it opened to reveal a wide variety of Molsen Canada.

Well it looks like the ingenious marketing team at Molsen Canada is at it again. This time, however, they aren’t sending passport-scanning vending machines to the Olympic athletes. Instead, they are setting up a new refrigerator throughout the country which only opens when someone sings Canada’s national anthem.

So, why is Molsen Canada forcing Canadians to sing the country’s national anthem to access beer? July 1 (Canada Day) marks Canada’s 147th birthday; therefore, it only makes sense to promote the country’s legacy by singing the national anthem, “O Canada.” Canada is the country’s statutory holiday celebrating the enactment of the British North America Act, 1867 (Constitution Act, 1867), or in other words, the unification of three British colonies into a single country called Canada.

The front of the beer fridge clearly displays the steps required to open it. “SING O CANADA TO OPEN FRIDGE,” displays the fridge.

According to media reports, the Molsen Canada beer fridge lights up like a Christmas tree and buzzes loudly if a user makes a mistake while singing Canada’s national anthem. Patriotic Canadians whom successfully sing O Canada, however, will be greeted with access to ice-cold Molsen-Canada beer straight from the fridge.

In case you happen to come across Molsen Canada’s beer fridge and can’t remember the words to the national anthem, refer to the cheat sheet below.

“O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.”

Where can you find the Molsen-Canada beer fridge? Unfortunately, the company has kept quiet regarding the location of its innovative beer fridge. Only Canadians whom are lucky to be at the right place at the right time will have the opportunity to get a free Molsen-Canada beer in exchanging for singing the country’s national anthem.

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